为什么户外活动对幼儿很重要?Why Outdoor Play Importance For Young Children?

 2022年8月4日 Emily Chia 










当孩子们有时间进行户外活动和与大自然互动时,他们会获得很多好处。 Gill (2014) 的一项研究证明,户外游戏绝对有益于儿童的发展、健康和福祉、社交和情感发展以及对环境的态度。

(i) 身体发育


(ii) 认知和语言发展






(iii) 社会情绪发展



1. 水上活动


2. 带轮的交通玩具


3. 自然漫步

每天进行一次自然漫步对您和您的孩子都有好处。可以在早上、午餐后或晚上进行自然漫步。自然漫步提供了许多可教的机会,例如每天都在变化的环境,以及可以谈论和探索的各种事物。看看当我带她去大自然散步以收集树叶、花朵和树枝等自然元素时,它对我的​​小宝贝的效果如何。然后,我将与她进行室内会议,进行一些艺术活动(参考提示:3 户外艺术)

3. 户外艺术


4. 玩沙


5. 园艺





> 个人网页



> 抖音



Children’s natural instinct is to play. Many studies in early childhood development have concluded that play is important to children’s development. Through play, children learn about their social and physical environments. Knowing their social and physical environments can give children the opportunity to master new skills as well as develop their concepts and experiences.

In keeping with the view that play is a child's natural instinct, it is possible to apply the play approach effectively for the holistic development of children. Children schooling in play based preschools will benefit twice as much as children who are learning in a didactic teacher-directed program. These children are better at reading and other intellectual skills. It was found that children have benefited and have significant developments when preschool programs promote play concepts compared with children who were receiving more direct academic instruction.

What is Outdoor Play?

The outdoors is the place where bigger groups with a mix of older and younger children tend to work together, but this is not so inside. Therefore, outdoor play is also known as Physical Activity.Play can afford to be highly unstructured, and informal consisting of free movement in play. 

Outdoor play is also spontaneous play that comes naturally from children's natural curiosity and enthusiasm. Therefore, outdoor play is the best place for children to engage in hands-on exploration of the world around them.  

There were many educationists who believed that children can be taught effectively in the natural outdoor environment. Children were given the freedom to learn through nature. Children are also encouraged to have activities such as nature walks, observation, and appreciation of the environment. In addition, the role of teachers which is to provide materials from nature and allow children to use all their senses to explore the materials is an important component. 

Outdoor activities range from gardening to tree climbing, digging, wood crafts, water play, and creative play using all the natural materials to emphasize the importance of caring for themselves and others. 

Why is Outdoor Play Importance For Young Children?

There are many benefits that children gain when they are given time for outdoor activities and to interact with nature. A study from Gill (2014) proves that outdoor play is definitely beneficial to children in terms of development, health and well-being, social and emotional development as well as attitude towards the environment.

(i) Physical Development

Physical development in young children involves two important areas: gross motor skills and fine manipulative skills. Throughout the Foundation Phase, children acquire and develop their skills in many ways. Research indicates that when children’s motor skills are poorly developed by the age of five years old they will most likely never develop efficient motor skills. Outdoor play appears to be an important environment to foster these skills. Outdoor play is not just for fun but is necessary to help children to become physically fit and healthy. When children are playing, they are refining reflexes and movement control, developing fine and gross motor skills, and increasing flexibility and balancing skills. On top of that, when children are involved in physical activity, they're building stronger muscles and improving bone density, improving heart and lung function, and, all above, preventing obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol. 

(ii) Cognitive and Language Development

Children's cognitive development is a self-motivated process. In this process, children interact with stimuli, gradually building their understanding through accommodation and assimilation. Accommodation is what the child notices from routine or from learning themes, while assimilation evaluates how children interpret the environment. You can see how our online learning program can help children to accommodate their prior knowledge. In addition, when children use objects in their play to represent other objects, they are developing abstract thinking. Children also learn through play and interaction with peers or adults.

Children can learn effectively through outdoor play by carrying out basic tasks such as exploring, taking risks, smooth and gross motor development, and the absorption of a broad base of knowledge. For example, children can learn the meaning of prepositions and geometry concepts when they move, below, through, by the side of, and near objects. 

Actually, the outdoor environment was more influential on symbolic play than the indoor environment for both boys and girls. Symbolic play is an important feature in the cognitive and social development of children as it helps children understand the world in which they live. In symbolic play, a child is involved with different social situations such as family relationships, working with people, shopping, etc. in a creative way. This contributes to the adoption of gender roles, socialization, learning the rules, understanding the different cultures, overcoming egocentrism as well as mastering the concept of early maths and science in the real world.

Language Development

Outdoor play also has the potential to promote language skills in children. When children are given the opportunity to physically demonstrate action words such as stop, pounce, jump, slide, or descriptive words such as smooth, slow, fast, or enormous, word comprehension becomes immediate and long-lasting. The words are used and learned in context, as opposed to being a mere collection of letters. This also can promote emergent literacy and a love of language. Similarly, if children take on high, low, wide, and narrow body shapes, they will have a much greater understanding of these quantitative concepts, than children who are just presented with the words and definitions.

(iii) Socioemotional Development

The outdoor environment is also significantly related to children’s social and emotional, health and well-being. When children play with others it gives them the opportunity to compare their behaviour with others and take into account others’ viewpoints that may differ from their own. For example, when children play freely at the playground, they develop social skills through the spontaneous creation of games and rules for the games. This is because children will assume certain roles such as kings, queens, slaves, and so on in fantasy play. With this, the children will have to interact and discuss to reach a mutual agreement in determining the rules of the game. Children learn to negotiate, compromise, work together, and also to control themselves, and tolerate their frustrations in a social setting because without abiding by the invented ‘rules’ the child cannot continue to play successfully with their peers.

Tips for Outdoor Play Activities

1. Water Play

If the weather allows, get your toddler to play in water activities. A small child's pool will be more than enough for your toddler to play with or even a hose will provide lots of fun for your toddler to enjoy in water play. 

2. Toys with Wheels

Wheeled toys are the most essential outdoor play for toddler. For new walkers can build strength and confidence with the help of a push toy, such as a doll stroller, grocery cart, or toy car pusher. Adult also can try out ride-on bikes that help them get ready for bikes or train their balancing.  

3. Nature Walk

A daily nature walk is good for you and your toddler. It is possible to have the nature walk at the morning, after-lunch, or evening routine. Nature walk provides many teachable opportunities such as changes of environment every day and no end to the variety of things to talk about and explore. See how it work out on my little one when I brought her to nature walk to collect natural elements such as leaves, flower, and brances. Then, I will have indoor session with her to do some art activities (refer Tip no:3 Outdoor Art)

3. Outdoor Art

Art is usually a fine motor activity, but when you take it outside it can be a gross motor activity as well. For example, using paintbrushes to let your toddler to paint the fence with a piece of white paper paste on it. You also can have paint with spray bottles of water too. 

4. Sand Play

Build your toddler a sandbox that allows to build strength in their hands, which will be important for school tasks like cutting with scissors and writing with a pencil. Remember to provide plenty of props such as shovels, dump trucks, plastic molds, and cups for your toddler to explore on the build of sand castle. 

5. Gardening

Involve your little one with the jobs in gardening will enhance gross and fine motor skills as well as cognitive and language development. During toddlers pull weeds, dig in dirt, harvest vegetables, rake leaves, or watering are actually outdoor fun for them. All these are actually keep them busy whole day. 


In conclusion, a well-managed and organized outdoor environment can provide a diversity of experiences to children. It can support multiple forms of play and learning that contribute to many aspects of the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of children.

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