为什么玩水对孩子有好处? Why Water Play Benefits Children?

 July 21, 2022 Emily Chia

Water Play

Children learn best through play. As we know that children's early years are learning about the world around them through their senses. Therefore, activities that engage the senses will provide great learning experiences for them. Water play is an excellent form of sensory play that allows children to have opportunities to engage in their sensory learning. This is because water is an important natural material that provides lots of absorbing fun and wonderful development and learning opportunities. We have to encourage children to play, no matter it is outside play, windy weather play, or water play. 

Water play activities help children to develop their gross and fine motor skills. They enhance their gross motor skills, coordination, and physical fitness through pouring, lifting, carrying, and splashing as well as squeezing the span to develop the small muscles in a child's hands and fingers. 

In addition, water play is an open-ended activity that allows children to discover and explore outcomes. For example, watching objects sink or float develops problem-solving skills as they begin to learn why and how things happen. So, prepare along with a few simple items such as cups, spoons, sponges, and trays. Sure, you will see your children using all the simple items to enjoy in their water play!

What Are The Benefits Of Water Play?

1. Water Play Releases Energy

Children can find water play both calming or invigorating depending on the activity being presented. For example, when children swim in a pool, even in shallow water, they use lots of energy splashing and kicking and running around in the water. Besides, children who use sponges, cups, and spoons to scope water will definitely strengthen their fine motor skills to control their arms and fingers muscle. A great way for kids to have fun and let off steam!

2. Emotionally Therapeutic Water Play

Water play doesn’t have to be loud and busy, it can be a calm activity where children are quietly absorbed. Children benefit from the relaxing and repetitive nature of scooping, pouring, and running their hands through the water. They usually will engage in water play for a long time, longer than they will play with other toys. Children can lose themselves in the physical repetition of gentle water play, allowing them to unwind, order their thoughts and relax. This helps encourage children to focus and concentrate on a task that can increase their attention spans. 

3. Develop Motor Skills With Water Play

Water play gives many opportunities to develop gross and fine motor skills across the age ranges. Even splashing and running while playing helps improve both gross motor skills and fine motor skills. Children enhance their fine motor skills and hand and eye coordination when their pour water, fill, and empty containers in a variety of different ways.

Then, gross motor skills and large muscle strength are developed and stretched as children are encouraged to carry and pour larger and heavier pots and buckets of water. Of course, if children are providing an opportunity to swim in a pool then their gross motor skills developed through jumping, running, splashing, and kicking. 

4. Foster Creativity

Children developed their creativity and imagination during water play by using objects in a different manner. For example, they will use cups to scoop and dump water or offer them varieties of toys to encourage their imagination and creativity in their play. 

5.  Increase Sensory Learning

Children will get to explore wet and dry during water play as they pour water or wet their bodies. We can increase children's sensory in water play by adding different temperatures of water (use warm water and cool water in separate buckets) or adding some ice. 

6. Encourage Cognitive Development

Children engage their learning through water play such as problem-solving, performing small experiments, and exploring their environment. They learn about weight and volume like how much water will fill a cup. They also will learn about gravity because water will always fall towards the ground. This allows children to use the scientific method by forming a hypothesis and then testing it.    

7. Social Skills

Playing in a group is always the best benefit for children to learn how to socialize and understand tolerance.  Children learn how to cooperate, give and take, and work together on a small goal. During the process, they learn how to share ideas and share resources to work towards a common goal. 

For younger children, they are not likely to share things but they learn from imitation. Therefore, water play encourages children to move from playing alongside another child to playing with the child.  

8. Language Development

Children learn to communicate during water play by asking for tools or working together. Besides, adults can also encourage children to talk by asking questions such as what are you doing? They also will learn new vocabulary during the water play when describing water and how it flows.


Water play is an excellent opportunity to explore their learning. Whether is girl or boy, water play provide open-ended and full of creativity. No matter inside or outside, they will have such great fun until they don't realize how much they have learned. So, let's explore your kids into water play which you no need to buy fancy toys, and just used some of my above ideas to see how your kids react when you suggest water play. 

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2022年7月21日; Emily Chia  

孩子们通过游戏学习得最好。 正如我们所知,孩子们的早年是通过他们的感官了解他们周围的世界。 因此,涉及感官的活动将为他们提供很好的学习体验。 水上游戏是一种极好的感官游戏形式,让孩子们有机会参与他们的感官学习。 这是因为水是一种重要的天然材料,它提供了许多引人入胜的乐趣和学习机会。 我们要鼓励孩子玩,不管是户外玩、刮风玩还是玩水。

水上游戏活动帮助孩子发展他们的粗大和精细运动技能。 他们通过倾倒、举起、搬运和飞溅以及挤压跨度来发展孩子手和手指的小肌肉来提高他们的大运动技能、协调性和身体健康。

此外,水上游戏是一项开放式活动,可以让孩子们发现和探索成果。 例如,观察物体下沉或漂浮可以培养他们解决问题的能力,因为他们开始了解事情发生的原因和方式。 因此,请准备一些简单的物品,例如杯子、勺子、海绵和托盘。 当然,您会看到您的孩子使用所有简单的物品玩水!


1. 水上游乐释放能量

根据所呈现的活动,孩子们可以找到平静或振奋人心的水上游戏。 例如,当孩子们在游泳池里游泳时,即使是在浅水中,他们也会消耗大量的能量在水中飞溅、踢腿和跑来跑去。 此外,使用海绵、杯子和勺子观察水的孩子肯定会增强他们控制手臂和手指肌肉的精细运动技能。 孩子们玩得开心和发泄的好方法!

2. 情绪治疗水游戏

水上游戏不必喧闹而忙碌,它可以是一项让孩子们安静地沉浸在平静中的活动。 孩子们可以从水中舀取、倾倒和用手抚摸的轻松和重复性中受益。 他们通常会长时间玩水,比玩其他玩具的时间长。 孩子们可以在轻柔的水上游戏的身体重复中迷失自我,让他们放松、整理思绪和放松。 这有助于鼓励孩子们专注于一项可以增加他们注意力的任务。

3. 通过玩水来培养运动技能

水上游戏提供了许多机会来发展各个年龄阶段的粗大和精细运动技能。 即使在玩耍,飞溅和奔跑也有助于提高大运动技能和精细运动技能。 当孩子们以各种不同的方式倒水、装满和倒空容器时,他们的精细运动技能和手眼协调能力可以提高。

然后,随着孩子们被鼓励学用罐子和水桶用来倒水时,粗大运动技能和大肌肉力量得到发展和伸展。 当然,如果孩子们有机会在游泳池里游泳,那么他们的粗大运动技能就会通过跳跃、跑步、溅水和踢腿得到发展。

4. 培养创造力

孩子们在玩水的过程中通过以不同的方式使用物体来发展他们的创造力和想象力。 例如,他们会用杯子舀和倒水,或者为他们提供各种玩具,以激发他们在游戏中的想象力和创造力。


当孩子们倒水或弄湿身体时,孩子们将在玩水时探索干与湿情况。 我们可以通过添加不同温度的水(温水和冷水分开桶)或加一些冰块来增加孩子在水上游戏中的感官。

6. 鼓励认知发展

孩子们通过水上游戏来学习,例如解决问题、进行小型实验和探索他们的环境。 他们了解重量和体积,例如一杯水的量。 他们也从中了解重力,因为地心引力,水总是会落到地面上。 这使孩子们可以通过形成假设然后对其进行测试来使用科学方法。

7. 社交技能

在小组中玩耍总是对孩子们学习如何社交和理解宽容的最大好处。 孩子们学习如何合作、给予和接受,并为一个小目标共同努力。 在此的过程中,他们学习如何分享想法和共享资源,以实现共同目标。

对于年幼的孩子,他们不太可能分享东西,但他们会从模仿中学习。 因此,水上游戏鼓励孩子们从另一个孩子一起玩转为与大家一起玩。

8. 语言发展

孩子们在玩水时通过工具或一起玩耍来学习交流。 此外,大人也可以通过问一些问题来鼓励孩子说话,比如“你在做什么?”我们可以描述水及流动方式,孩子能从水上游戏中学习新词汇。


水上游戏是探索他们学习的绝佳机会。 无论是女孩还是男孩,水上游戏都提供了开放式和充满创意的体验。 不管是在里面还是在外面,他们都会玩得很开心。所以,让我们来探索孩子玩水,你不需要买花哨的玩具,只是用我上面的一些想法来看看你的孩子在你建议玩水时会有什么反应。

》居家工作的我感到很庆幸能把优质的时间陪伴我宝贝小女儿学习成长, 同时也能为家里减轻经济负担,照料家里,一举多得,真好!





》 面子书-Emily Chia E-Learning Educator



