你想帮助孩子在SPM考取理想的成绩吗?Do You Want Your Children To Score Better Result in SPM?

 By Emily Chia                        24 JULY 2022

SPM is coming soon!

Tips to study smart for SPM...

This goes with the saying, study smart not just study hard!

To score or get an expected result in your SPM is just a matter of working hard and studying smart. Is that sound tough for you? The answer is not really as you follow some of the below simple tips.

Tip 1: Make your own notes

Try to write the notes in your own way/own words. Possible in bullet points. So that you are easy to restore in your memory because is your style of writing out the story. That definitely makes it to understand for you as it is personalized only for you. 

To make it your notes store in your long-term memory, try to include 2-3 examples for each key point. This way is to give you an overall idea of how is the point work-out to support.  

Besides, highlight the key points with a highlighter pen to catch your attention. Finally, create tables and mind maps for topics that involved comparison and formulas.

If you have difficulty constructing your own notes from textbooks, you can try out our e-learning platform HERE to read the notes for each chapter in every subject with all important and straightforward notes according to the school syllabus. (the notes can be downloaded and printed)

This will help not only save your time, and will also suit your learning style best. You will be your own teacher after all because the notes from the e-learning platform help you extract the important topics that you will need to focus more on and increase your understanding of the topics that you find difficult.    

Tip 2: Time management

You have to make a study plan to make sure that you get enough rest in between study time as well as you finish certain chapters and at what point to practice exam papers. This is a strategy to work smart not work hard, you can get the practice exercises thru our e-learning platform just using your devices with your fingers to do all the exam papers ready for you with a countdown timer for each exam paper.  

Here's how you can start drafting your study planner:-

  • Identify which subject you find difficult and which subject you find good at it - so, set the priority for the difficult subjects in your study planner to hit the target.
  • Create a checklist of the topics you want to cover daily - this is to keep track of the topics you have covered or the topics you might need to go back for review.  
  • Ensure when your brain is the most active time - try to arrange your study session according to your best hours.
  • Get a break in between your study time.
  • For the best result, the maximum study session is 2 hours per session and 1 hour to do exercises. 

Here is a simple study planner template for your to start!

Tip 3:  Organise a study group

Effective study groups can help you learn better in your subject as well as the study group must be very good at generating positive energy, active participation, and instilling discipline. 

Then, is that good with a piece of pizza together during the study group session for you to have some social connections!  

However, if you seem to worry about the disease of pandemic covid cases. You might try for online group study and also can work out on it. Although the online pizza is not tasty. 

Tip 4: Practices

Some of the SPM questions always repeat similar questions from the past year's papers by changing the structure of the question. So, try to do as many trial papers for all the different subjects. Possibly get the immediate answers ready so that you can refer to them as the question is still fresh in your memory.  

For this, you do not rely 100% on textbooks or exercise books because the trend of education has changed which you can learn online. For example, our e-learning platform is having instant marking for objective questions. 

Tip 5: Prepare early, do not study at the very last minute

Try to avoid last-minute study because it won't help you but will make your result worst. Cramming everything inside your head will not make you become the best student.  

So, prepare early to ensure you have sufficient time to do all your reading and exercises before the exam. 

Tip 6: Think positive 

Maintain your attitude for study or always be enthusiastic in your learning subject. So, your mind will follow the goals you have set to achieve. Mix around with your friends who love motivating each other and set your target. Then, straight towards your goals.


Getting to understand and practice all the above tips to help you study better and achieved the results you want is not a matter of hard but is a matter of how you study smart. 

>If you are looking for an online e-learning program to help your kids study better and safe at home, you can click here for 5 days of FREE trial. 

~See how our program can help a lady who was 53 years old took her courage to retake her SPM with the help of our program to do revision and get ready to take SPM examination paper. 

 > If you are interested in helping kids' education and want to earn extra income through an online education business. Welcome to join our team by clicking here to learn more.  

You can follow me on below social media:-


Youtube: emilychiasc

Facebook -Emily Chia E-Pembelajaran Eyebook

Facebook- Emily Chia E-Learning Educator

SPM 即将来临!


要在 SPM 中获得你预期的成绩结果,关键在于努力和聪明学习的问题。 这听起来对你来说很难吗? 当您遵循以下一些简单提示时,答案其实并不真的难。



为了让你的笔记存储在你的长期记忆中,在每个关键点写出 2-3 个例子。这种方式可以让您全面了解如何支持该点的强化写词。

此外,用荧光笔突出重点以引起您的注意。最后,使用表格和思维导图在比较和公式的主题能让你容易掌握重点, 同时也快速留在记忆中。

如果你认为在学校课本中制作自己的笔记有困难,你可以尝试我们的网络学习平台 是根据学校教学大纲呈现每个科目与单元中的重点笔记。 (笔记可下载打印)

这不仅有助于节省你的时间,而且最适合你的学习方式。毕竟,你将成为自己的老师,因为我们的网络学习平台的笔记可以帮助你取得所需的重点,并加强你对每个单元的理解能力, 让你在作答时下笔如有神!

提示 2:时间管理

你必须制定学习计划,以确保你在学习时间之间获得足够的休息,以及完成某些单元和练习试卷的时间。 这是一种聪明学习的策略而不是埋头努力学习,你可以通过我们的网络学习平台进行练习,只需使用你的手机就能完成系统里为你准备好的试卷,每张试卷都有倒数计时器,锻炼你对时间观念的同时也让你有效地策划在每个考题所用的时间,获取最佳成绩。


  • 确定你认为哪个科目是困难的,哪个科目是你擅长的 - 因此,在你的学习计划中为困难科目设置优先级以达到目标。
  • 写出你每天要涵盖的单元清单 - 这是为了跟踪你已涵盖的单元或你可能需要返回复习的单元如果需要加强了解。
  • 确认你的大脑最活跃的时间 - 尝试根据你的最佳时间安排您的学习时间。
  • 最好在你的学习时间中有休息时间。
  • 为了获得最佳效果,每节课的最长学习时间为 2 小时,做练习时间为 1 小时。


提示 3:组织学习小组



但是,如果您似乎担心大流行性covid病例的疾病。 您可以尝试在线小组学习,也可以进行锻炼。 虽然网上的比萨不好吃。

提示 4: 练习

一些 SPM 问题总是通过改变问题的结构来重复过去一年论文中的类似问题。所以,试着为所有不同的主题做尽可能多点的试验论文。可以的话,越早解出正确答案越好,以便您可以参考它们,因为答案仍然记忆犹新。

为此,您不会 100% 依赖教科书或练习本,因为教育趋势已经改变,您可以在线学习。例如,我们的电子学习平台正在对客观问题进行即时标记。

提示 5: 提早做好准备,不要临时抱佛脚



提示 6: 正面思维




>如果您正在寻找在线电子学习计划来帮助您的孩子在家中更好、更安全地学习,您可以单击此处免费试用 5 天。

~看看我们的计划如何帮助一位 53 岁的女士鼓起勇气,在我们的计划的帮助下重新参加 SPM 复习并准备参加 SPM 试卷。




Youtube: emilychiasc

Facebook -Emily Chia E-Pembelajaran Eyebook

Facebook- Emily Chia E-Learning Educator
