什么是幼儿涂鸦阶段?What Is Scribbling Skills In Early Year?

 2022年7月17日 Emily Chia


涂鸦和绘图是学习写字的第一步。 涂鸦可能对成年人没有任何意义。 它们看起来像很多线条、循环和曲线。 但这些标记对幼儿来说非常重要。 这就是孩子通过书写来思考的方式。 绘画和涂鸦是孩子以后发展写字技巧的第一步.

下面我们来看看 1.5 到 3 岁之间的涂鸦阶段。 虽然大多数孩子都会经历所有的阶段,但他们在何时以及如何做到,这一点存在很大差异。 有些人可能会迅速从一个阶段跳出来,而有些人可能会需要一段时间掌握。重要的是,你的孩子在 18 个月大的时候已经开始涂鸦了。


1. 不受控制的涂鸦


2. 受控涂鸦


3. 命名涂鸦




大约在 3 岁左右,简笔画就出现了。 你的孩子的第一个简笔画可能是带有线条的圆圈(同样,不同文化的孩子倾向于以类似的方式画简笔画)。 从那里开始,她的绘画将不断发展,变得更有计划、更明确、更容易辨认和更有创意。


绘画对幼儿很重要,因为它鼓励想象力和形象化。 不要鼓励“抄袭”或“涂色”,这会埋没他们的想象力,鼓励他们发挥想象力。 作为一个成年人,你可以用鼓励方式问“那是什么?” 如果他们愿意回答就会告诉你的! 这时候可要记得不要催促您的孩子完成涂鸦阶段喔!



2. 收集印在一侧的纸/回收纸。让孩子可以在纸的背面涂鸦和绘画,而且是免费的!

3. 收起涂色书。 让孩子们可以自由地创作自己的图片并使用自己的想法。 如果成人无法识别孩子在画什么,也没关系。 最重要的是孩子自己要知道。

4. 鼓励孩子在游戏中使用他们的涂鸦技巧。 如果他们在玩汽车和卡车或假装他们在经营一家商店,他们可能会喜欢做标志。 把纸剪成小块,让孩子们自己制作游戏币和收银机收据。 将几张纸夹在一起,做成一个垫子,供男服务员和女服务员在餐厅写下订单。




July 17, 2022  Emily Chia

What are Scribbling Skills in Early Year?

Scribbling and drawing are the first steps in learning to write. Scribbling may not mean anything to adults. They look like a lot of lines, loops, and curves. But these marks are very important for young children. This is how children think through writing. Drawing and Scribbling are the first steps in a child's later development of writing skills.

Let's take a look at the graffiti stage between 1.5 and 3 years old. While most children go through all the stages, when and how they do it varies greatly. Some may jump out of a stage quickly, while others may take a while to master. It is important that your child has already started to scribble by the age of 18 months.

Stages of Scribbling

1. Uncontrolled Scribbling

After the toddler discovered that she could use drawing tools on a drawing surface to create marks, she entered the scribbling phase. At this stage, scribbling is not about what she is drawing, but about learning about the sensory experience: pay attention to different drawing tools and materials such as feel and smell, and understand that she needs to work harder with certain tools (like crayons) to make marks. At this point, she's using big arm movements to make dots and other large marks, and maybe even move them off the paper.

2. Controlled Scribbling

Scribbling became more controlled and purposeful as her fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination improved. You can help her learn to make different types of small lines, including horizontal, vertical, and curved lines. As she practices different lines, she may make the same type of marks over and over. She may also become more aware of the conscious use of different colors.

3. Named Scribbling

With growing cognitive skills they move on to the next stage: they understand that paintings can symbolize other things. While planning ahead for what to draw, your little one will name her drawing at this stage. She might fill a piece of paper with shapes and lines and call it a tabby cat. It may not look like a cat to you, but praise and acknowledge her work anyway; it's a huge step in your child's cognitive and language development.

At this stage, your baby's scribbling is more controlled, her lines and shapes are varied, smaller, and sharper. She can even try to draw stories or letters.

What's next?!

Around the age of 3, figures appear. Your child's first figure may be circled with lines (again, children of different cultures tend to draw figures in a similar way). From there, her paintings will continue to evolve, becoming more planned, defined, recognizable, and creative.

Scribbling & Painting

Drawing is important for young children because it encourages imagination and visualization. Don't encourage "plagiarism" or "coloring", it will bury their imagination and encourage them to use it. As an adult, you can ask "what's that?" in an encouraging way, and they'll let you know if they're willing to answer! At this time, remember not to urge your child to complete the scribble stage!

Ways to Encourage Scribbling and Painting:-

1. Have paper, pencils, crayons, and whiteboard pens ready for kids to use whenever they want to scribble or draw.

2. Gather the paper/recycled paper printed on one side. Let your kids scribble and draw on the back of the paper, for free!

3. Put away the coloring book. Give children the freedom to create their own pictures and use their own ideas. It's okay if the adult can't recognize what the child is drawing. The most important thing is for the child to know for himself.

4. Encourage children to use their scribbling skills in the game. If they're playing with cars and trucks or pretending they're running a store, they might enjoy making signs. Cut the paper into small pieces and let the children make their own game coins and cash register receipts. Clip a few sheets of paper together to make a pad for waiters and waitresses to write down orders at the restaurant.

In conclusion, parents need to provide appropriate space and equipment to improve their child's preschool writing skills from an early age.

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