如何让您的孩子在 21 世纪时代自学?How to Prepare Children Self-Learning in the 21st Century?

父母是自己孩子最宝贵的老师。众所周知,孩子的第一任老师是她/他的父母。因此,父母必须掌握为孩子提供合适的脚手架的技能,而不是过度帮助或缺乏关注。尤其是在 21 世纪的学习方式涉及技术技能。


自学是 21 世纪的关键要素。这是因为我们必须在瞬息万变的世界中保持相关性并提升我们的技能。让孩子适应21世纪是自学的必要条件。

为了迎合 21 世纪学习方式的需求,家长和教育工作者是最直接能够改变他们的心态/开放的心态并接受处理“儿童学习方式与技术相结合”的方法的多样性。

以下是我相信这一点的原因,我已经为大家(父母/教育者)在"如何培养孩子的自学能力"中提供了 5 条建议。


Parents are the most valuable teachers for their own children. As we know, the first teacher of a child is her/his parents. Therefore, parents must acquire the skills of providing the right scaffold for their children which are not helping or lacking in attention. Especially in the 21st-century learning style involves technology skills. 


Self-learning is a critical element in the 21st Century. It is because we have to stay relevant and upgrade our skills in an ever-changing world. Order to get a child to adapt and adopt himself/herself in the 21st Century is a must for self-learning. 

To cater to the needs of 21st Century learning style, parents and educators are the directive persons to make changes in their mindset/open-mind accepting diversity of approaches in handling children learning styles incorporated with technology. 

Here are reasons why I believe this and I’ve provided 5 suggestions on how we (parents/educators) nurture a child’s self-learning. 

I have an e-book here for you to download and continue reading for FREE!!!



